Organisational Awards
Enterprise Team of the Year
This award will recognise a multi-functional team that has worked collaboratively to bring tangible benefits to their business. This category invites submissions from teams that drive best practice and gain results via a positive, inclusive culture.
Please share how you use any governance frameworks.
Product Team of the Year
This award will go to a technology product team that can demonstrate success in product delivery through effective team working.
Please share how the team was established, the approaches taken to ensure a one-team approach to product delivery and how this has impacted their ability to deliver a high-quality product.
Partnership of the Year
Awarded to an organisation that demonstrates how to successfully establish & maintain an effective partnership between an in-house technology team and either a single or multiple suppliers.
Please demonstrate how the partnership has met business expectations and sustained success over time. You should also clearly represent collaboration, governance and business achievements.
Diversity and Inclusion in Action
Demonstrate how your team is building a work environment where everyone is treated respectfully and fairly and embedding diversity and inclusion in its culture.
Show how the team can all add to the organisation’s commitment to diversity and inclusion with creating and securing access to resources and opportunities.
Project Team of the Year
This award recognises a team that has been successfully established to deliver a specific project.
The team is likely to include personnel from across the business and potentially 3rd parties and can demonstrate how they have created a high performing organisation to deliver the project.
Legacy System Migration
This award goes to an organisation that has successfully migrated a legacy system.
Tell us how you helped transform your business by replacing a system that no longer effectively supported your business processes and creating something new that creates the right user experience.
Show how you overcame workflow issues, achieved user acceptance for the changes, made technology provider choices and ultimately delivered on expectations.